While terror-acts still keep on going in Balochistan, but without grasping reality, and speaking in the tone of external entities, some politicians, human rights activists and media persons of Pakistan have been propagating against Pak Army, Frontier Constabulary (FC), country’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI) including other law-enforcing agencies regarding subversive acts in the province. It seems ridiculous when some of them allegedly say that security agencies are behind terrorist activities in Balochistan.
It is mentionable that India, the US and Israel have been internationalizing the Balochistan issue in accordance with their secret designs. In this respect, in connivance with the Baloch separatist leaders who have taken refuge in Switzerland, Sweden, US and London, these foreign elements use media, various NGOs and human rights organizations for false propaganda against Pakistan’s security forces and ISI in relation to extrajudicial killings, mutilated bodies and the missing persons.
It is notable that Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) is also in collusion with some US Congressmen to get foreign support so as to animate the scheme of separatism in Balochistan. For the purpose, BLA and the Baloch feudal lord, Khan of Kalat had planned to take the issue of Balochistan to International Court of Justice (ICJ) and expected that India would pay $2.4 million lawyers’ fee to contest their case in ICJ. As Indian support did not get materialized, BLA and Khan of Kalat went over to US leaders to press forward their case. In February 8, 2012, three Republican Congressmen including Dana Rohrabacher, Louie Gohmert and Steve King tabled a bill before US Congress. Although the US Administration quickly distanced itself from Congressional hearing by Rohrabacher and Peters’ testimony, yet US denial does not augur well with ground reality, as American think tanks, NGOs and websites go on instigating the separatist elements in Baluchistan.
As regards the deteriorating situation of Balochistan and the missing persons, everyone knows the foreign-backed separatist groups such as the BLA, Baloch Liberation Front (BLF), Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and their affiliated outfits including another group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) which have been fighting for secession of the province get logistic support from American CIA and Indian RAW—these miscreants kidnapped and killed many innocent people and the security personnel in the province. They also massacred many persons through suicide attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings and sectarian violence. Therefore, they are responsible for dumped bodies and extrajudicial killings in the province. On a number of occasions, these militant outfits claimed responsibility for their subversive acts.

If the situation mentioned above is critically analysed then it’s not very difficult to understand that why Braham Dagh Bugti addressed a so called German Chapter of the BRP’s press conference to highlight human rights situation in Balochistan and has criticized the CPEC and Gwadar port projects while calling for a UN-sponsored referendum in Balochistan to “decide its future”. The truth is that the drama is over. The naissance of economic corridor will not only bring prosperity to the Baloch people but will prove to be a death warrant for the ages old obsolete and unjust ‘Sardari System’ of Balochistan.
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